Living with Cerebral Palsy 🍋🍋

Friday, 25 April 2014

Throw Back Friday...

..To the Easter hols last year, when the weather was very different! Elin was a snow-baby!! I actually love snow but would have preferred for it to arrive in work-time! Elin is quite non -plussed about it, but has had her fair share of rides on the sledge in the past which seems to amuse her. No snow this year- surely it's safe to say that now with May approaching? Hmmm!

Not such a good couple of days for our girl this week sadly. She had a seizure today (or prolonged dystonic attack, we're not sure which) requiring her 'rescue medication' which she hasn't needed for so long! I think she has been feeling under the weather for a day or two as she hasn't quite been herself. Really hope whatever is niggling her disappears very soon! Hate to see her like that and hate even more that she can't tell us what's wrong :-( The feeling of helplessness doesn't ever really get any easier....

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