6 weeks ago I gave up Facebook for Lent. I've never really bothered with Lent but Paul was giving up his beloved ice cream and I felt I should be supportive :-) Since I don't really like ice cream anyway and the thought of six weeks without red wine or chocolate was pretty inconceivable to me I thought Facebook-surfing would be a vice I could actually do without. I figured it might do me some good too, as it can become a total habit and suck away hours of your time a week without you even realising. However I have blogged pretty recently about why I spent time on Facebook and how useful it can be in terms of keeping in touch with other SEN Mum's:
http://cerebralpalsyjourney.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/throw-back-friday_24.html I had been quite defensive about it. I wondered if I could do it. Well, here we are six weeks later and I haven't logged on once and, my SEN Mum's support group aside, I haven't missed it. I haven't missed finding out what someone I was in school with had for their tea last night or what they have planned for the weekend. I haven't missed seeing the holiday snaps of people I no longer know. I could go on. The only thing I have truly missed is the immediacy Facebook offered in terms of getting updates from friends and family and in turn sharing my little Elin updates with them (they assure me they have missed this, too!). It made the world seem a smaller place. However, I think the positives of staying off Facebook actually outweigh the positives of re-joining so I think I'm going to continue my abstinence. One of my favourite things about not being on there is that I think I have payed more attention to my blog for you lovely Elin fans! And I might have missed opportunities to take little video's like this.....
Even though Elin doesn't quite start batting the balloon in this video I love how clearly she says "Agoo" which is her way of giving her approval to something :-) Who needs all those expensive sensory toys when you have a sparkly balloon??
Aaaah I wondered where you had got too. Miss your little facebook updates but I get the staying away. XXX
ReplyDeleteAw Linzi I really miss my PAWS Mum's :-( How's Zacky pants doing?? xxxx
DeleteAll good at the moment. I hate saying that feel like I jinx him when I do, but after a tough winter he's really great. Happy good times at the moment. xxx