With our lovely little home being roughly the size of a matchbox (normally perfectly fine as we are basically a family of 'Borrowers' stature-wise) it was impossible to pull off an indoor party for all of Elin's many fans, so it seemed all was lost. However I'm delighted to say at about 2:30 we had a reprieve. The Sun came out a bit. It stayed out. Elin was in a good mood, though her dystonia is playing her up slightly again (night be time for a slight increase in meds methinks). So, eventually, we got in the garden!! Our family from London who had travelled all the way up especially did not have a wasted journey and ditto our family from Liverpool. YAY! We were SO lucky. I was beginning to feel a major strop coming on (me, not Elin). So we did manage a celebration in the end and what a lovely time we had after all...until the evening time when Daddy Drake cracked two ribs messing about on the bouncy castle with other equally mature male family members (yes, really) and spent a couple of hours in A&E. Good start to the Summer hols for him (Paul to doctor: So how long will this take to heal do you think? Doctor: About six weeks.) Oh dear god.
So I will leave you with a few snaps, but of course her actual birthday is Tuesday so more to follow then, especially as we haven't opened any presents yet. If I don't update too often now it's probably because I'm busy filing for divorce whilst Paul lies on the sofa holding his ribs and giving me instructions in his 'poorly voice' (if today is anything to go by!) Still, at least someone got a bit of use out of the bouncy castle! Maybe next year we'll just have a magician instead.......
Enjoy the first week of the holiday fellow school-workers :-)
Thank you to Annabel for the Disney Princess cake it was absolutely delicious (red velvet). Annabel has done Elin's cake every year for free, as a present to her and we are so grateful.
Princess Elin of Ruabon was granted an audience with Princess Tabitha of London on the latter's visit to Wales ;-) Publicists say the two had an in -depth discussion regarding achieving peace in the middle east and also had time for a more light hearted chat regarding their fashion choices of the day.
Me and my girl.
Before the very sad accident occurred (note, lower back in tact and stable)
Take that, weather!! "Aint nobody but nobody gonna rain on my parade!!!"
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