Living with Cerebral Palsy 🍋🍋

Friday, 31 October 2014

Happy Hallowe'en

Well Hallowee'en has scarily returned the monster dystonia to our door. Shouldn't be surprised really, it has been a week since we saw it's ugly face! This crazy good week/bad week cycle may be set to continue for a while longer, then (can it just be coincidence, or something else?? Right now it seems completely stuck on a cycle, but why or how we just have no idea. It makes no logical sense. More questions for the Alder Hey doc in December methinks). Despite a renewed inability to sit in her chair, we did manage to get a little trick or treating in today! Well, sort of trick or treating- we went to the village and visited our friends in the Chemist, Hairdressers and then we went to Nanny's house for a lollipop.
Have a good weekend blog fans, may your Hallowe'en be monster free (and  full of lollipops too)



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