Another tricky week for poor Elin, though the second half slightly better. Nowhere near as dystonic, but just not herself. Following our hospital visit last Friday, we went to the doctors on Wednesday this week as I was starting to feel there really must be some infection somewhere niggling away at her. He couldn't find anything at all. That's well over a week of poorly-ness for Elin, without any cause. A week without a smile from her is enough to send us crackers, it's heartbreaking but you just have to get on with it. Anyway happily by yesterday the famous smile had returned, albeit sporadically and today Paul said she even came off the school bus laughing. I really hope she is recovering from whatever has been bothering her, she doesn't deserve to feel this way. I always get a little bit introspective when she is poorly. It's like it reminds me of how serious her condition is, we are so used to her being so well and it's so easy to forget about the list of diagnosis' for so much of the time because she is just our gorgeous Elin. Also, you can deal with anything as long as she's happy and when she isn't- well, everything is much harder to accept again. Anyway I've also been thinking about all the time we have spent in hospital over the years. Not as much as some parents of course, but plenty more than others. We are lucky to have an amazing Children's Ward who know Elin inside out, it makes those necessary visits much less scary. On our last visit our favourite doc was there-the one who saved her at birth. He treats Elin like a celebrity. Actually they all do. One of the most pivotal hospital visits for me was the first time we had to rush Elin in when she was in full seizure mode. I was terrified. It marked a new beginning for us in terms of Elin's medication and treatment, and also in terms of what we were dealing with. Even though it was horrendous at the time and for months to come as we all adjusted (especially Elin) it's kind of funny to look back and see how far we have come and how some things can seem like the end of the world at the time. I hope we never have another 'pivotal' moment again but if we do I know we'll get through and come out smiling. Especially Elin, the comeback kid. So this weeks throwback is from that weekend on children's ward when Elin was two years old and I worried if things would be ok ever again and of course, they were. Happy weekend folks. I am hoping to spend it sleeping-catching up on all the sleep Elin robbed us of this week!! Have a good one xx

And one from this evening to brighten your day....
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