There will definitely be future meetings and it's so nice to have another baby in the family- we are a bit short on babies on our side!! We need more!! (I definitely won't be obliging, not without a lobotomy first anyway). My Nan and Grandad are certainly very proud to now be Great-Grandparents to both a girl and a boy, it means they can still say 'Elin is our favourite Great Granddaughter' they said, because they can also say 'and Eli is our favourite Great Grandson' Awwwww. Eli is certainly Elin's favourite third cousin in the whole-wide-world :-) For my part I'm still in shock that my sister and my cousins and I are old enough to actually have kids of our own since it doesn't seem long ago that we were playing with their Barbie house or with 'Frustration' or 'Ker-Plunk' or any other plethora of 80's board games in the glorious absence of iPads, iPods and iPhones, visiting Nan and Granddad's house together, developing an obsession with 'Neighbours' and listening to Kylie on repeat (ok maybe I still do the last one). When does getting old become less shocking?? Answers on a postcard please! I can't be 33! I can't be!!!
Anyway I'll leave you with some photo's now. Have a great weekend blog fans, until next time xoxo
Throwback Friday- Me (far right of picture in fetching flowery leggings), my sister Karen (in fetching clashing coloured jumper), Lynsey (in fetching double-denim combo and now Mum to baby Eli) and Claire (far left in fetching baby pink/penguin sweater). You're welcome, guys!!! ;-)
Luckily Eli Jac and Elin Hâf have much better fashion sense than we did!! Haha.
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