Living with Cerebral Palsy 🍋🍋

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The kindness of strangers.....

It's in the little girl in the waiting room wearing the same dress as Elin, in the same size, joyfully chattering away and showing us  her new shoes and showing Elin how their dresses match though she gets no response.
It's in the consideration of the doctor asking Elin which sticker she would like for 'being brave' even though she knows she cannot answer, and I will answer for her (the penguin one please, we like penguins)
It's in the face of the balloon man making a flower for Elin as we pass by, making it pink, because she is a girl and handing it to me with a smile when she does not reach out to take it from him
It's in the cheery pat on the head the bus driver gives Elin every morning and the greeting 'Alright Chicken, ready for school?' never disuaded by her silent gaze
It's in glances in the coffee shop, the desperation not to stare, the smiles directed our way, the universal 'bless her' sound 'awwww'
It's in the grandma in Marks and Spencers who I have never seen before or since who touches my arm as she stands next to Elin's wheelchair and says 'you're doing a wonderful job you know'
It's in the shop assistant who let's me sit on a display chair because Elin is crying and needs to come out of her buggy and wraps my gifts super-fast and gives me two free carrier bags for all the other stuff we're trying to shove under the buggy so we can manage a bit easier
It's in the traffic warden who doesn't punish us even though I forgot the blue badge
It's in the comments from friends of friends on a video I posted online of a small achievement of Elin's, they think it's 'incredible' and 'awesome' and 'wonderful'
It's in the Tesco cashier who saw us in the paper regarding rights of the disabled and tells us to 'keep fighting, good for you!'
It's everywhere,
Love (it's all around you...)
And it's amazing



  1. You made me cry. You are right. These are things that make a difference. The little things. The things that reassure you that there is good in the world and that it is a world where our children will be loved. #PostsFromTheHeart

    1. Thank you! I realised I have been focusing on negative reactions to Elin lately- they are so few and far between! Most people are so kind and make our life so much easier :-) x

  2. Such a beautiful post, it's the little things that mean so much x

  3. This is awesome! We so often hear all the negative things that people do and say, it's wonderful to hear that there is still so much good in this world :-) #postsfromtheheart

  4. Such a lovely post. You are doing a great job!

  5. Your post made me choke up! In your pictures your daughter looks beautiful and happy, you really are doing a good job! xx #postsfromtheheart

  6. Just beautiful, sometimes its all you need to get you through a tough day, the kindness of strangers is amazing sometimes #PostsFromTheHeart

  7. This is fab to hear !! Keep going Mama you are amazing and everyone can see it #PostsFromTheHeart

  8. There are not enough kind people in the world-more should aspire to be like those you've encountered. Beautiful Post xx

  9. What a beautiful post. We're so guilty of picking up on when people don't behave in a way we think they should, but actually there are so many good people out there and it's wonderful to shine a light on the kindness. I loved this. #postsfromtheheart

  10. Loved this. I think it's important to remember how many kind people there are out there as we often focus on the ones who aren't!


  11. What a beautiful post. Life with a child with additional needs can be tough, and it's easy to think the world is against you. We must look out for these kindnesses, as they really are all around and can make such a difference. Thank you for sharing. #postsfromtheheart

  12. This is so lovely, kindness is absolutely everything isn't it? #postsfromtheheart

  13. What a lovely post. It is so good to be reminded of the nice parts of our world and the people in it and our children are the true pioneers of that. #postsfromtheheart


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