Elin's had a couple of visits to Children's Ward this week- nothing major except her Mic-key button is very red and sore. A swab brought back nothing, but the doctors were a little stumped given that it's not leaking and is very dry. It's just very red and sore looking! Bless her. It's been this way for a while and did look like it was getting better at one point but was very red again by Sunday, so off we toddled to see what we could do for it. Nothing much it would seem, we're now trying a third type of cream to see if that combats it! Nobody wants to spend three hours in hospital on bank holiday Sunday but I've gotta say we had a little treat seeing some of our most favourite Nurses. And Paul missed Liverpool being thrashed 6-1 so not all was lost (even though it was Stevie G's last game). We went back yesterday as advised as it still isn't better and thus we are now trying a third cream. Fingers crossed! At least it's not infected, we definitely didn't want to enter antibiotic territory!
So aside from having and icky micky, Elin's world has been a quiet one this week. She's been fine in herself although not for sitting at all hence the reason why we are somewhat housebound! We braved town but ended up being pinned to various chairs and benches as she really wasn't a happy bunny in her chair (I could probably map out Wrexham in relation to where all the benches are now I think) and she has been to visit her little friends Mollie and Rosie. She also had a visit from my Nanna and Grandad and has been enjoying some Disney film watching, though we did get outside in the garden yesterday-hurray! More of that please, Universe!
I'll leave you with some pics and remain optimistic that we might see a bit more of that yellow ball in the sky- which we may be able to admire from our new decking- and wish you all a very happy half term!
Elin and her Great-Grandma Alma, who brought her some Frozen socks, which Elin was pretty chuffed about. Pretty down with the trends for an 81 year old!
Elin and Mollie, who is three. Elin took a while to chill out at Mollies house as she had been in the dreaded car but once she did they had fun! Elin especially like Mollie shaking her pom-poms for her and stroking her face :-)

Elin watching 'Cinderella' on the laptop with Mummy. Yes, I know i could have used the iPad but it makes my hands ache. When we win the lottery Im going to build Elin a 'Cinema room' with a screen that goes all the way down to the floor so we can lie and watch Disney film when the weathers bad or when she's not up for doing much. Yay! Oh- that reminds me. I need to buy a lottery ticket.
Elin was extremely optimistic with her choice of outfit this morning. I predict she'll be back in her jeans by midday. WHERE ARE YOU SUNSHINE?????
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