Living with Cerebral Palsy 🍋🍋

Friday, 23 January 2015

Great Expectations

Thank Crunchie it's Friday! As I reach for my pint (of Bailey's) I am really, REALLY hoping that we can forget the last few weeks and actually start the New Year three weeks after everyone else.
Elin is herself again. She's smiling, laughing and generally being a cheeky monkey. We literally feel like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders and the fug that has been enveloping Holly Cottage since Christmas is slowly lifting too. Not to be all Dickensian about it or anything , but to be honest it's been a pretty bleak house.
ANYHOO onwards and upwards. We have so many lovely things planned for Spring- not least DISNEYLAND Paris woooo hoooooo!!! So lets re-group now and start again. Elin is so good she was awarded the incomparable 'Top Banana' sticker in assembly today at school. BOOM! Friday starts here folks. Top Banana.


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