So, Elin had a bit of a 'wobbly' week last week. Not herself, not particularly happy and needed rescue medication on Thursday for the first time in ages. It's so frustrating and upsetting seeing Elin like this, as sometimes you just can't work out what's wrong. For days she just wasn't herself. It kills me to know that she cannot tell us what's bothering her. We still don't know what it was that knocked her so off kilter. Thankfully, as quickly as the unhappiness descended, it left. She had a better day at school on Friday and as soon as she opened her eyes on Saturday morning I knew she was back to her old self. This was extremely good news as we had our lovely London family staying with us, who we haven't seen since our Christmas visit to them. I always want those who are unable to see her frequently to see her at her best when they do see her. So, luck was on our side. Elin very clearly realised that there were unfamiliar voices in the house and was visibly fascinated. In particular she seemed to zone in on the children's voices. Arthur is 6 and Tabitha is almost 3. Elin thought the sound of them playing and talking and laughing was the best thing ever. She laughed, too. How wonderful for her to be surrounded by such energy and fun that only the very young children can bring to a household. I am struck that last time they visited, in July, Elin was a little less happy about having strange voices and lots of noise in her surroundings. It seemed to confuse her and disorientate her slightly. So in this we have another sign, that she is learning, learning all the time. making tiny adjustments to her understanding of the world. It was, as always, great to see the children together. I wonder what Elin looks like through their eyes, what they are thinking about her, if they see how different she is and if they are trying to make sense of it all. But mostly I see that they simply and happily accept her for who she is- a lesson the world in general could take from the innocent minds of these small, wise, uncomplicated people we call children :-)
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