So, we got to Thursday and so far so good. A fit-free weekend and then a sound three days in school. Whilst we waited for the School transport on Thursday morning at my place of work (where Elin is picked up from) she laughed and smiled and 'chatted'. I said to one of my colleagues 'If we can make it until tomorrow, we've had a fit-free week!' so what happened next is sort of my fault cos I had tempted that evil demon called fate. I pulled up outside Elin's school at lunchtime for a physio appt and there was an ambulance there. I knew it was for her. Stomach-wrenching moment , that. This time she was still fitting, this time she went to A&E as she was still fitting it's procedure and this time I was pretty bloody scared. No familiar children's ward and no idea why her rescue medication hadn't worked. Long story short, the fit stopped, we got taken to my beloved children's ward and Elin came round and appeared to find the whole episode quite amusing. I had made the decision that I wouldn't call Paul until he had finished work as he had biked to work and it was miles away and I was 100% sure as soon as I saw her cheeky face waking up that she was ok. We had examinations and a chest x ray and still no answers. Elin was still pretty amused. Daddy arrived after work and she really began to cheer up then! We were allowed to go home for the night but told to return in the morning (friday) which we duly did, taking the day off from work and taking Elin out of school. Presiciely nothing got sorted as the consultant in Alder Hey apparently does not always like to be consulted! He returned nobody's calls (despite us having called two weeks ago) and as the docs in Wrexham don't like to move on her medication without his go-ahead, we were sent home for the weekend. Waste of time and we wont fall into that trap again- certainly there was no need for two of us to be there. So that brings us to today, exactly the same as last Sunday- wishing for a better week, hoping for no more fits or Ambulance rides and praying the Alder Hey Consultant would answer his calls.
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