With 150 entries across the school, we were pretty amazed that she claimed first prize. Especially when we saw the quality of the others. I mean seriously they were AMAZING. There was an inspired replica of Jack and Rose on the Titanic (which lit up!), a Circus complete with tightrope walking egg (our favourite), a 'Mount Egg-erest" with an intrepid explorer egg, an 'Egg-quarium" with egg fish swimming in a tank being observed by egg children and lots of others which had hilarious egg-puns and all of which had a great deal of time and effort spent on them. It was so lovely that the competition captured the imaginations of so many of the children, I think these are the things you remember when primary school is a distant memory- I definitely remember doing one myself when I was young. The judges were from many different aspects of the school, including some children, and it seems the vote was unanimous. I think ultimately Elin won for the message her Professor Hawking Egg carried, as there was little to distinguish the skill and innovation of all the entries- they were superb. The idea that "It's not our disabilities, it's our abilities that count" I think probably touched the judges, and in a school like Elin's with so many amazing children beating educational expectations of them daily, I suppose that is hardly surprising.
Anyway Elin was pretty pleased that she won. She was called into a special assembly and apparently when it was her turn to collect first prize the children were all super excited for her, clapping and cheering her. This was soooo wonderful to hear. Elin had been the only entry from Y Canol and I think it was great for the children in that assembly to see that she had taken part just like them. It doesn't surprise me that the children were so supportive of her win, it's what we've come to expect from her school environment, but it still managed to elicit a great big lump in my throat when I heard about it. I guess there are some things you just get used to accepting she will never experience, so then when she does it's just so lovely. She's even going to be in the paper!! I will include that photo here whenever it appears! She won a squeaky chicken toy and a headband and lovely Easter basket. She was proud as punch bringing them home, and we were as proud as punch to see her. A super Monday to kick off the last week of term, after a really gorgeous weekend for Elin. We are hoping the Easter break will be just as lovely for her, and for all of you!
Well done, Elin.
Congratulations Elin! We have a one year old girl and a similar story as yours... Reading your blog inspires me <3