...That I haven't updated sooner! We've been very busy doing nothing!! Well, not really nothing- visiting family and friends and lots of playing, but nothing major to report! Elin had a sleepover with Nanny and Aunty Karen on Tuesday night which was very exciting for her and the little monkey slept much better for Nanny than she does for us! Hmph!! We got away for the night (a hotel/spa break which was my Christmas present and given the few weeks we've had I did wonder if we'd manage it) and had a great time. Highly recommend the 'Titanic' hotel at Stanley Dock, Liverpool. It was awesome! The pool especially was pretty wonderful! It was nice to get some relaxation in after the last hectic few weeks and I found myself thanking god for mobile phones yet again, which basically allow us these breaks without having to worry we won't be able to be contacted should anything crucial with Elin arise (which of course it never does but you know, it's nice to have that security blanket.) She had a pretty great time without us too I think but it was very nice to see huge smiles on our return! We missed her. We haven't been away for the night on our own without her for 12 months and it felt a bit weird, but important I think, for all of us.
Since then Elin has been enjoying, amongst other things, having cuddles and a Tiara present from her lovely little friend Henry, standing frame/disco light fun and being squished by Daddy on the sofa while he works on the laptop (yes, this child is nuts). So I'll leave you with a few pics to keep you Elin fans going and hope that those of you who have also been on holiday have had a great time too.
Lots of love xxx
Holiday pics- We walked the Tate Gallery on the Albert Dock and honestly the best thing I saw was this window! You can just make out the Ferry on the Mersey through it. Beautiful!
THE POOL! Looked a bit like the Cavern Club, but with water. Absolutely loved it. Deep breath...and relaaaaaaxxxx......
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