Everyone with kids knows the importance of getting time without said kids. It's not that you want to spend regular time away- you don't have kids so you can leave them with someone else- it's just that sometimes you want to get back to the place you were in before you became 'Mum and Dad'. Before the world revolved around nap time, tea time, bath time, bed time, school runs, toy tidying, washing
et al. Thus, God invented Grandparents. When my twin sister and I were little, we used to regularly go to our Nanny and Grandad's for the night on a weekend. We basically got to do what we wanted for 24 glorious hours, within reason. I remember we tried our luck once when my nan asked us what we wanted for breakfast. 'Erm....Chips??' I bravely suggested (my Nan was a fan of chips, old fashioned proper chip pan chips, the good kind). 'Ok' said Nan, followed by the Grandparent mantra and only rule ever imposed 'Don't tell your Mum'. We ACTUALLY had chips for breakfast, just because I had asked for it. It was like a magical land of crazy freedom. Grandad used to say to us 'When are you coming on your holiday's???' meaning when were we next making the (hardly epic) 6 mile trip to their house again. Because it was like a holiday for us, of course. But what I didn't realise was that it was mostly a holiday for my parents, a realisation that only truly occurs when you become a parent yourself ( a lie in? YES PLEASE!)
When your child is several disabled, this chance of a mini-holiday can be a little more difficult. It's not because Grandparents (certainly in our case) aren't willing, it's just because there is so much more to worry about and organise and coach said Grandparents on before you can even think of leaving your child for the night. You start to think it may be easier just to not bother. What sort of a break do you have if you are worrying the whole time, anyway? Also, babysitters need to come to your house for the night, where all the specialist equipment is- where are you supposed to go? Unless you can afford to getaway on a hotel mini break more often than the Beckhams, a meal out and back home early doors is the best solution. Hence the reason why we have only ever left Elin for the night four times in her lifetime. Don't get me wrong, Paul has been away to visit his brother in Spain, or to our London family by himself or with Caitlin. I have been away with my girlfriends for the weekend, or on hen nights etc- (and of course, we have been away with Elin many times). But going away together alone is different, because you have to leave her with someone who is not one of us two. But at the same time, the importance of time away together is unquestionable. This half term we callously abandoned Elin with Nanny and disappeared to a hotel and spa for the night. We had a lovely evening meal out and did some shopping the next day, too. It was great. For the first time ever, Elin was 100% fine when we left. Previous to this, she had always been a bit under the weather when we tried to get away, leaving us feeling slightly worried and very guilty. I didn't even think about worrying this time, we could see she was on top form. We just knew she was going to be ok and it was a tonic, after a busy half term, to spend some time relaxing "without the kids". Elin, it turned out, was good as gold for Nanny. Maybe...maybe we should do it more often?
Leaving Elin with Nanny. Elin doesn't look too worried!
Elin's face when we came home. She doesn't look like she missed us too much!?!