Living with Cerebral Palsy 🍋🍋

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Merry Christmas

So Elin woke up on Christmas morning, wearing her new 'One Direction' jammies (she loves Harry the best) to discover Santa had completely ignored her this year as she is so naughty!! Haha not really she was spoiled ROTTEN. I have never seen so many beautiful presents, we are so grateful for the thoughtful gifts and love shown to her by all our friends and family (sensory story maker- you know who you are- AMAZING!! So gorgeous it made me cry). We had a lovely day and Elin was fine, although she had given us a scare the day before when we ended up on Children's Ward. She had a nasty seizure which didn't cease with the usual medication. We were supposed to be at the traditional annual village crib service at Church (it's the only time we go and it makes me feel really 'Christmassy') and instead had a bit of a mad dash to hospital. Not ideal on Christmas Eve!! The doctor wanted to keep us in for observation but I point blank refused on the basis that we are ten minutes from the hospital and we would be observing her VERY closely ourselves at home (and, mr doctor, do you not realise it CHRISTMAS EVE???) Anyway he conceded and Elin was home in time to leave a mince pie and a carrot out and get to bed on time. She was kind of woozy on Christmas day in the end from all the medication the day before, which was kind of disappointing. However we were just glad we had no more hospital visits and my heart went out to all the kids and parents on Children's Ward that day who wouldn't be escaping like us. Elins next adventure is a trip to London today to stay with family- she seems much brighter today so fingers crossed for no more drama. We know how Elin loves a drama!! A very merry Christmas to all blog fans and thank you for caring enough about our wonderful girl to keep

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