Living with Cerebral Palsy 🍋🍋

Friday, 8 November 2013

Throw-back Friday

I am thinking I might  pinch an Instagram craze here of posting old pictures  on a weekly basis. 'Throw-back Thursday' or TBT as it's known on Instagram might have to become Throw-back Friday for  the sake of my blog as I have more time on a Friday to search! Anyway, this photo marks my first offering. Happy TBF folks!
This has been stuck to our fridge since early 2009 when it was taken. As it gets gradually grubbier and seems to have inexplicably avoided my school laminator, I thought I would scan it and save it in cyber space before it get's completely ruined. This was the first time we visited Hope House, a local children's hospice and amazing resource for parents of children with life limiting (actually hate that phrase to be honest) illnesses or conditions. We don't actually visit anymore since sadly they stopped being able to provide regular hydro therapy sessions, as for us family support  means currently we rarely need overnight care or respite for Elin.  However, that doesn't mean we were not able to appreciate the AMAZING work this hospice does and how wonderful the staff are. We know kids that have been going for years- it truly can be a second home. Everyone there is incredible and really puts family's at ease at the most difficult times in their lives. What a great thing to have access to these places as an option for parents in our situation in this country. The parents of children like this  in America for example  are not offered the same service, it doesn't exist. To think it relies totally on charitable donations blows my mind. In 2009, not long after this picture was taken, my work colleagues said they wanted to raise some money for Elin. We immediately nominated Hope House on her behalf, such was the extent of the impact the place had on us. In the end we raised £3,000 for Hope House by climbing Snowdon but recently I've been thinking it's time for a fresh challenge and I know my amazingly supportive colleagues are up for it again. Not sure what but Im thinking if Cheryl Cole can do Kiliminjaro then...........?????  :-)


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