Living with Cerebral Palsy 🍋🍋

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Christmas Angel

Today I spoke to a Mum who has lost her child. Another grieving Mum in our world, another of Elin’s friends at school has devastatingly grown her angel wings. She will be buried three days before Christmas Day and I don’t understand this world anymore.
This Mum took me today and showed me a photograph of our daughters playing together in her beautiful school tribute display. No bitterness, only bravery. Strength beyond explanation, determined to do her girl proud and encouraging others to think of the good things. I cannot stop thinking of her grit and her mettle, a soldier of emotion and a solid pillar in a crumbling temple of life as she knows it. Once again I am left reeling by a courage and dignity I can’t comprehend, I hear myself uttering the cliche yet again ‘I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t be that strong’ but I know I could. Because these Mums have not only had to be strong from often the moment they gave birth, but they have watched their babies be stronger every day of their lives than any one person has to be in a lifetime. Watched them fight and watched them win, watched them rally and seen them beaten. So I finally understand after all this time, as I look at the pictures of this twinkling girl always shining in life and now forever a Christmas Angel, that the strength of these incredible Mums doesn’t come from them- it comes from their children. 
You are heroes. 
You are doing your amazing children so proud each and every day, this is your gift to their memories. You are my daily inspiration. 

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