The eagle eyed among you will notice my little blog has had a bit of a face lift recently! Changing the template of my blog to something more aesthetically pleasing has been something I've wanted to do for the longest time, I just never got around to it. Also (and more truthfully) I had no clue how to!! It's not that I'm a technophobe by any means but if anything I want to do on the laptop takes longer than roughly 10 minutes then said laptop is in serious danger of being flung through a window. It's not so much the skills I'm lacking, as the patience.
So I'm really glad that I've finally managed to do it with the advice from a good friend whose own lovely blog is pretty much like a work of art (there are SO MANY amazing blogs out there but more on that another day) and I am now working on a template I am pleased with.
Following the new look of the blog I figured after 8 years it could do with a bit of a new identity, too. It's evolved quite a bit since those first posts and I think it deserves a full makeover. I've always known what I wanted to call my blog if I ever changed it, so coming up with the new name was easy because 'Making Lemonade' is basically what we do every day. Turn a bad situation good, turn your frown upside down, count your blessings, stay positive. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade (unless it's a really crappy day, in which case shout, rage, scream and cry to your hearts content until you are able to simply taste the tang and turn it sweet again) I have to concede that 'Making Lemonade' may not be the most original of choices, which is why, predictably, the blog name and URL has been taken, hence the addition of 'Mum' to the title. But I like it. It's what I am :-)
I'm also going to be changing the blog URL (address) soon to something that fits with the the new theme a little better than the ever-clunky sounding 'cerebralpalsyjourney'. Sadly, I haven't yet unearthed a way to do this that will re-direct all you lovely blog readers to the new URL once it's done. So you may discover one day that I've disappeared faster than Beckham's credibility. I'll still be here, but I will be under:
I would hate to lose contact with you all! Thanks for the continued and lovely support :-)
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